Simple, secure and completely confidential
A recent survey of 20 businesses (with turnover between £0.5m and £10m) showed some inspiring results when they put the Business One Page Plan (BOPP) to work for them.
Within one year of putting the Business One Page Plan to work, average net profit across the 20 businesses had grown by 17%.
By the end of the second year net profit had grown by a further 63%.
Turn these percentages into hard numbers and on average the 20 businesses had increased net profit by £93,476 in their second year of applying the Business One Page Plan to their business. What could it do for your business?
The Business One Page Plan process combines regular face-to-face meetings between you the business owner and us your accountant.
Together we work out the best KPIs for you and your business. We monitor performance monthly using the online BOPP system to help. We get together quarterly (more often if you wish) to work out what needs to be done next to improve your KPIs. And of course help hold you to account on previous actions agreed.
This simple, but well-proven, process, over time, helps you improve the performance of your business which shows up as increased profits, greater cash reserves and increased capital value of your business.
Most business plans get buried in a drawer gathering dust.
Your Business One Page Plan is a living, breathing, active part of running your business - it promotes the growth and future success of your business.